Pre-Columbian terracottas;
translated [from the German] by the author and Irene Nicholson.
- London, Methuen, 1970.
- 203 pages illustrations (some color), map 24 cm
- Art of the world; a series of regional histories of the visual arts, 28 .
- Art of the world. .
Translation of Altamerikanische Tonplastik.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 192-195).
0416918204 9780416918205
GB7019519 bnb
003987869 Uk 013991815 Uk
Indian sculpture--Mexico. Indian sculpture--Central America. Terra-cotta sculpture--Mexico. Indian sculpture. Terra-cotta sculpture. Precolumbiaanse kunst. Terracotta. Plastieken.
Central America. Mexico.
Terra-cottas Central America Antiquities Native Americans