Blacks in antiquity; Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman experience
[by] Frank M. Snowden, Jr.
- Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1970.
- xxii, 364 pages illustrations 25 cm
- ACLS Humanities E-Book. Title .
Includes bibliographical references.
The physical characteristics of Ethiopians-the textual evidence -- The physical characteristics of Ethiopians-the archaeological evidence -- Greco-Roman acquaintance with African Ethiopians -- Greek encounters with Ethiopian warriors -- Roman encounters with Ethiopian warriors -- Ethiopians in classical mythology -- Ethiopians in the theater and amphitheater -- Greco-Roman attitude toward Ethiopians-creed and conversion -- Blacks in a white society-a summation.
ACLS e-books permit unlimited multi-user access.
Investigates the participation of black Africans, usually referred to as "Ethiopians," by the Greek and Romans, in classical civilization, concluding that they were accepted by pagans and Christians without prejudice.