Ocho Rios : Jamaica, W. I. (a - n ) / - Kingston : The Nolvelty Trading Co., 1965 - 14 postcards : colour ; 10 cm x 15 cm

@ 1965 Dexter Press, INC. All Rights Reserved.

14 postcards of Ocho Rios in St. Ann Jamaica showing different places and tourist attractions. The following are the titles of the different postcards: Dunns River Falls, Playboy Hotel, Underground Lake, Fern Gully, Overlooking Ocho Rios Bay, Tower Isle Beach, San Souci, Jamaica Hilton, Runaway Bay, Carib Ocho Rios, Beach at Jamaica Inn, Shaw Park Beach, Golden Head and Plantation Inn.

Beaches --Jamaica
Dunn's River (St. Ann, Jamaica)

Ocho Rios (St. Ann, Jamaica)
St. Ann (Jamaica)