The Wise mind of H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie I /
Wise mind of Hailie Sellassie I Wise mind of Emperor Hailie Sellassie I
foreword, H.I.H. Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie ; introduction, Ras Sekou S. Tafari ; 2017 edition editor, Asheda Dwyer.
- [Special edition]
- Chicago : Research Associates School Times Publications : Distributed by Frontline Distribution International, [2017].
- xxii, 83 pages ; 16 cm
9780948390869 (pbk)
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia 1892-1975 --Political and social views Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia 1892-1975 --Philosophy
Political and social views Politics and government
Ethiopia--History--1889-1974 Ethiopia--Politics and goevenment--1889-1974