TY - GEN AU - Barbara Gloudon AU - Bobby Ghisays AU - The Little Theatre Movement TI - Ginneral B PY - 1983////12/26 KW - LTM Pantomime Programmes: 1983 N1 - Anton Morgan; Audrey Brown; Stage Manager; Audrey Loveridge; Avis Wilson; Barbara Kaufman; Wardrobe Mistress; Bertram Thompson; Lighting Director; Bobby Williams; Cecelia Carter; Danny Powell; Derrick Shaw; Dudley Samuels; Ewart Phipps; George Carter; Business Manager; Gwen Wright; Assitant Wardrobe Mistress; H. Samms; Assistant Prop Mistress; Henry Muttoo; Inez Hibbert; Ivy Covereley; Administrative Secretary; Jackie Guy; Choreographer; Keith Amiel; Production Coordinator; Kenneth Roper; Marcel Blackburn; Mary Fleming; Production Secretary; Maureen Harris; Mavis Wray; Noel Dexter; Norman Coombs; Front of House Supervisor; Norman Russell; Peter Ashbourne; Phillip Morris; Assistant Stage Manager; Rendel Foster; Roy Thomas; Sonia Martin; Stanley Dawkins; Vincent Williams; Walliston Howell; Whillel Ellis; Assitant Wardrobe Mistress; Aston Jess; Old Man; Clive Duncan; Old Man; David Ellis; Danny; Fleurette Harris Forrest; Satira; Franchot Henry; Polka Dot Man; Janette Silvera; Tina; Leonie Forbes Harvey; Miss Mirrie; Lloyd Lovinder; Polka Dot Man; Oliver Samuels; Ginneral B; Patricia Amos; Miss Mirie; Phyllis Barnes; Satira; Richard Sutherland; Danny; Sheryn Hylton; Puncie; Susan Warmington; Tina; Volier Johnson; Ginneral B ER -