Recorded and mixed at Penthouse Recording Studio, Kingston, Jamaica except "Man in the mirror" recorded and mixed at Creative Sound Recording Studio, Kingston, Jamaica.
1 Can it be me Patrick Roberts, writer Little Kirk; Performer 2 Don't wanna lose your love Joey Carbone, writer Little Kirk; Performer 3 Child abuse Patrick Roberts, writer Little Kirk; Performer 4 Still in love Derek Bramble, writer Little Kirk; Performer 5 Nuclear Patrick Roberts, writer Little Kirk; Performer 6 Man in the mirror S. Garrett and G.Ballad, writers Little Kirk; Performer 7 Never forget your culture Patrick Roberts, writer Little Kirk; Performer 8 Knife Rockwell, Norma Helms and Mitch Buttler, writers Little Kirk; Performer 9 Down in the ghetto Patrick Roberts, writer Little Kirk; Performer 10 I love you Lionel Richie, writer Little Kirk; Performer
Kelly, Anthony Harris, Kristin
Davis Kirk (Little Kirk) Dean Fraser Miller George Dennis Danny Crosdale Paul (Wrong Move)