Box 1/Folder 4 A letter from the World Federation of Trade Union, dated October 27, 1948. Industrial News on the Trade Union Congress and the World Federation of Trade Union, dated October 29, 1948. A letter from comrade M. Faline to Comrade V.Tewson, dated October 29, 1948. A letter from Comrade L.Sailant to Comrade V. Tewson, dated November 3, 1948. A letter from the Trade Union congress to Richard Hart, dated Febraury 4, 1949. A circular from the Trade Union Congress on the matter of the W.F.T.U Split, dated March 15, 1949. A proposal to the Trade Union Congress executive from Frank Hill. A newspaper clipping, dated April 1949 with the following heading:Trade Union Congress of Jamaica Advised to Keep Clear of W.F.T.U.Minutes of Trade Union Congress meeting, dated June 30, 1949.
World Federation of Trade Union Trade Union Congress Comrade M.Faline Comrade V.Tewson Richard Hart Trade Unions World Federation of Trade Union Split