Stephen Cawley

Diagram representing land patented in Watchwell Pen, St. Elizabeth, 1790 , No scale - 1 map : black and white ; 43 x 54 cm - paper. handwritten.

Level 2 deterioration.

Diagram represents sundry parcels of land adjoining Watchwell Pen fixed agreeable to their boundaries and old lines on earth in order to ascertain the quantity remaining in Thomas Wharton patent, which exclusive of 100 acres sold by William, Roy, and William Mullins in 1766 contains 182 acres now the property of Mr. Jonathan Parslow. The...represents 1050 acres claimed by Mrs. Keen under Benjamin Wharton's patent... in 1762, who is junior to Wharton and ought to him...laid 1790 by Stephen Cawley.

Jonathan Parslow
William Mullins
Thomas Wharton
Mrs. Keen
Benjamin Wharton

Estate map --Watchwell Pen

St. Elizabeth--Jamaica
