Food safety and quality systems in developing countries - Volume one : Export challenges and implementation strategies / Export challenges and implementation strategies edited by Andr�e Gordon, Technological Solutions Limited, Kingston, Jamaica. - xvi, 170 pages : illustrations, map ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 153-161) and index.

: Exporting traditional fruits and vegetables to the United States : trade, food science and sanitary and phytosanitary/technical barriers to trade considerations -- Natural Toxins in Fruits and Vegetables : Blighia sapida and Hypoglycin / -- The Life Cycle of Ackee (Blighia sapida) : environmental and other influences on toxicity -- Biochemistry of Hypoglycin and Toxic Hypoglycemic Syndrome -- Effective Science-based Approaches to Establishing Safe Food Handling Practices for Traditional Foods : the Ackee Example -- Re-entering the US Market with Jamaican Ackees : A Case Study -- Dealing with Trade Challenges : Science-based solutions to Market Access Interruption -- The Food Safety Modernization Act and its impact on the Caribbean's Approach to Export Market Access. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8.

9780128012277 0128012277

Food--Safety measures.
Food--Safety measures.--Developing countries
Food--Quality--Developing countries.
Food industry and trade--Developing countries.
Exports--Developing countries.
Food industry and trade.
Food--Safety measures.

Developing countries.

TX537 / .F63 2015
