The discoverie of the large and bewtiful empire of Guinana

By: Contributor(s): Publication details: London The Argonaut press 1928Description: cvi, 182p. 1 l., incl facsim, front, (port) fold, maps 26�cmSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 918.7 Ral
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On half-title, "Editor: N.M. Penzer." The preface is signed by him.

Includes facsimile of t.p. of original: The discoverie of the large rich, and bevvtifvl empyre of Gviana, with a relation of the great and Golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria. Arromaia, Amapaia. and other Countries, with their riuers, adioyning. Performed in the yeare, 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh Knight, Captaine of her Maiesties Guard, Lo. Warden of the Stanneries, and her High-nesse Lieutenant generall of the Countie of Cornewall. Jmprinted at London by Robert Robinson. 1596.

Includes facsimile of a map of Guiana, with the courses of the Orinoco. Maranon or Amazons drawn by or for Sir Walter Raleigh circa 1595. (British museum, Add. ms. 17940, A)"An abstract taken out of the certain Spanyardes letters concerning Guiana and the countries lyining upon the great riuer of Orenoque: with certaine reportes also touching the same" [letters taken at sea by Captaine George Popham, 1594]:p.[77]-85

Appendixes: A. Unpublished Spanish documents relating to the journeys of Antonio de Berrio and Domingo de Vera in search of El Dorado. - b. unpublished Spanish documents relating to Ralegh's expedition to Guiana (1595)-c. Of the voyage for Guiana, written by or for Sir Walter Ralegh.

"This edition of the discoveries of Guiana, by Sir Walter Ralegh is the fifth publication of the Argonaut press and is limited to 975 copies on Japon vellum ... printed by Walter Lewis, M.A. at the University press, Cambridge ... This copy is number 175."

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