The four years voyages of Capt. George Roberts being a series of uncommon events, which befell him in a voyage to the islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbados, from whence he was bound to the coast of Guiney ... Together with observations on the minerals waters, metals and salts, and of the nitre with which some of these islands abound. Written by himself ... Adorn'd with several copper plates.
Publication details: London A. Bettesworth [etc] 1726Description: 3 p.l., 458 p. front, fold map, plates 20 cmSubject(s): DDC classification:- 910.45 Rob
Ascribed also to Defoe. According to the Dict. nat. biog. this ascription "seems unauthorized and unnecessary ... No reason can be alleged for doubting the existence of Roberts or the substantial truth of the narrative." According to W.P. Trent (in Camb. hist. of Eng. lit. v.9, p.25) though it may be the record of a real seaman, it "bears almost certain traces of Defoe's hand." also Trent's Defoe, how to know him, p.263
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