Letterbooks of the curators and secretaries of the Institute of Jamaica, 10 August 1981-12 July, 1938.
Publication details: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1991 [1938?]Description: 36 x 26 cmContent type:- text
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- volume
- MS 23
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There are 60 Volumes and each volume contains an alphabetical index of addresses.
The letter-books contain chiefly letters of the officers . Volume 1 (1891 - 1895) Theo. D.A. Cockerell, curator; E. Stuart Panton, acting curator; C.H. Tyler Townsend, curator; J.E Duerden, curator. This volume contains a report on soil from Brown's Town (red dirt) of no economical value and is dated the 13 September 1892. Reference to this can be found on pages: 392, 399, 462. A correspondence as to Lithographic stone in Jamaica on page 417 can also be found in this volume. Volume 2 (1892 - 3 April 1893) Frank Cundall, secretary. This volume has 1000 pages of which the following are highlighted : estimates & expenditures (1 April 1891 - 31 March 1892 page 12), collection of portraits (11 May 1892, page 12), procuring of coneys (14 May 1892, page 28 ; 9 November 1892 page 530), letters Darwin wrote to R. Hill (17 May 1892 page 43), Library's 94 volumes (23 May 1892, page 58), binding of 106 books (26 February 1892, page 77), Magistrate's lantern & slides of Institute (28 June 1892, page 120), results of examinations in physiography of Jamaica (9 June 1892, pages 127, 139), acquisition of deed of Sir Hans Sloane of 1704 (13 June 1892, pages 145 and 263), placing tablet recording longitudinal co-ordinate of Kingston by Commander Green, (1875. 9 August 1892, pages 282 & 338), tender for catalogue of Library of Institute (23 September 1892 page 411), acquisition of state of the Island (1726. 18 October 1892, page 473), newspapers and magazines ordered for Library of Institute (9 November 1892, pages 538), estimates of expenditures for (1893 - 1894, pages 548 & 577 & 637), MS account of a voyage to Jamaica, (1802. page 835), resignation of Mr I.D.A Cockerell & proposal of C.H.T Townsend (8 March 1893, page 895), research for artist of Rodney painting in Townhall (20 March 1893, pages 942 & 959) Volume 3 (30 March 1895 - 13 April 1896) Frank Cundall, secretary & J.E Duerden, acting secretary. This volume consists of 1000 pages and contains information on the following : new museum (1 April 1895, 4 pages & 22 April 8 pages), acquisition of carib sacrificial knife of W.I. 2 April 1895, pages 5 & 475), two skulls to be inspected by Sir William Flower in England (26 April 1895 pages 89 & 241), Michael Scott's sojourn in Jamaica (25 April 1895, page 91), investigation of remains in Halberstadt (30 April 1895, pages 106 & 113), the new museum will be ready next month (22 June 1895, pages 206 & 212), archaeological finds (23 July 1895, page 273), acquisition of Halberstadt remains (8 August 1895, pages 310), Government & membership of Institute (27 August 1895, page 367), Kalorama remains in England ; handing over of new museum (2 September 1895 pages 380, 385 and 567), investigation of locality of carvings (18 September 1895, pages 435 & 456), exhibition of lady Blake's specimens of celts (4 October 1895 page 496), exhibition of H.C.G purchase and C.A. Moseley's specimens, with list (page 519), exhibition of Miss Moulton Barrett's specimens with list (page 559), exhibition of Mealing stones (of Mr. Lynch) (page 588), estimates for 1897 (page 588), plundering of Pedro Bluff cave (c.1857) ; (16 November 1895, page 657), opening of museum & number of people attending (7 December 1895, page 720), acquisition of crusher for mealing stone (7 December 1895, page 722), Indian village & remains behind the house of Mr J.H. Clerk (12 December 1895, pages 743 ; 749), Flint (Chalcedony) implement (25 January 1896, page 812), first extension of Library to country parts (17 February 1896, page 855), cost of land in Manchester and of labourers (19 February 1896, page 864), acquisition portrait of Governor Sir Henry Arthur Blake (27 February 1896, page 882), quest in Gleaner for photographic documentation of buildings etc. (2 March 1896, page 896), development of museum (20 March 1896, page 939), the paintings of Louis Belanger LeRomain (page 975), grave of Sir Samuel Mico (10 April 1896). Volume 4 (13 April 1896 - 8 February 1897) This volume has 1000 pages and includes : list of members enrolled in N.H.R.U (17 August 1896, page 431; purpose of N.H.R.U (17 November 1896, page 708), memorandum organization of local committee (17 April 1896, page 25), estimate of Montego Bay branch (pages 348, 189 and 216), re photograph of Mico Training College opened 5 (February 1896, page 48), acquisition of old remains from Rev. W. Pratt (9 May 1896, page 145), painting of Sir Bryan Edwards by Sir Adam G. Ellis (5 June 1896, page 186), portrait of Richard Hill (24 July 1896, page 369), Mandeville branch library (24 August 1896, page 455), list of publications of Institute (page 511), bust of Mr Radcliffe on its way to Jamaica (28 September 1896, page 557), different classes in library books (8 October 1896, page 574), Kidd presents "Views of Jamaica." (page 592), quest for information re Mr Belisario (page 646), first contest in Literature, Science, Arts & Craft (13 November 1896, page 689 ; 761), portrait of General Nugent (23 November 1896, page 733), estimates for 1897-98 (pages 773, 841, 894), Nelson's letter from Jamaica and his portrait (18 January 1897, page 919 ; 934), creation of West Africa collection (29 January 1897, page 968). Volume 5 (18 November 1897 - 13 October 1899) This volume consists of 1000 pages and includes information on : collection of coins at Institute (18 November 1897 page 2), residence of Professor I.D.A Cockerell (18 November 1897, page 6), place of botany in Institute's interest (26 November 1897, page 20), request for first number of Jamaican teacher (4 January 1898, page 81), reappointment of Mr. Duerden as curator of museum (10 January 1898, page 88; 18 February 1898, page 150), Savanna-la-Mar & Mandeville branch libraries (26 January 1898, page 116), identification of H. Distin, W.T. March, J. Wates (3 February 1898, page 131), contents of portrait gellery (15 February 1898, page 146), introduction of Pearl Fishery (14 May 1898, page 281), excavations in Port Royal completed (14 June 1898, page 299), assistance of planters in war of England, 1798 (4 July 1898, page 310) ; Royal Gazette & St. Jago Gazette for 1798 missing, publications of Institute sent to Library of Congress (19 August 1898, page 367), John Hopkins University calendar dealing with Jamaica, 1892 (26 October 1898, page 462), estimates of Institute for 1899-1900, page 488, care of books in Library (16 November 1898, pages 501; 518), author of "Jamaica Enslaved and free" (21 November 1898, page 511), investigation of Malaria & collection of mosquitoes (7 January 1899, pages 575; 637; 679; 886, hiring of slaves amongst themselves (1 September 1899, page 945), oldest records of Cayman islands & Darien refugees (9 September 1899, page 958), acquisition of portrait of Governor E. Eyre (9 September 1899, page 959), freedom of board to exercise a discretion in the expenditure of the vote (12 October 1899, page 993), estimates for 1900 - 1901 (page 999), policy of board of Governors (18 January 1899, pages 600-606), Red Cross in the Coat of Arms (17 February 1899, page 650). Volume 6 (17 October 1899 - 27 May 1901) : This volume includes information on the portrait gallery & acquisition of Simon Taylor's portrait gallery & acquisition of Simon Taylor's portrait (18 April 1899, pages 738 ; 873; 920), the history of the maces (23 May 1899, page 785), import in 1793 and tomatoes (16 June 1899, page 826), judgement about Jamaica by Frank Cundall (16 August 1899, page 915), Native Indian remains found at Jacksonville & conch bar (31 August 1899, page 941), former gold mine at Rio Minho (18 October 1899, page 6), estimates of expenditure for 1899 - 1900 (page 93), Great house, Bryan Castle with drawing (7 December 1899, page 103; 113), Herbarium at Hope & at the Institute's museum (16 December 1899, page 114), first mention of Jamaica sugar in 1600 (British) (24 January 1900, page 166), distinction between a Government department & Institute (5 March 1900, page 232), genealogical information about Jean Dupuy (1 May 1900, page 329), first typewritten copy appears (4 July 1900, page 418). Volume 7 (29 May - 4 February 1903, ) There are 1005 pages of which pages 373-381; 573-590) 368-372 and pages 350-360 are missing.
Syllabus of Institute of Architecture lectures (April 1902, page 2), Re-opening hours of Library 11 a.m - 9pm (29 May 1901, page 3), Re devonians in Jamaica (page 18), Re advertisement for a clerk in Library (page 54), Re etymology of name Cayman Islands (19 June 1901, page 63), Re Baron Von Ketelhodt's naturalization (23 July 1901, page 125), Re birthdate of Bryan Edwards (30 July, page 137 ; 144) and relationship with Zachary Bayly Edwards. Re James Dick's relationship with Jamaica (10 September 1901, page 215), Re lending of books to Grand Cayman (8 October 1901, page 263), Re acquisition of portrait of General Toussaint L'Ouverture (25 October 1901, page 291), Re estimate, 1902-1903 for Institute (3 November 1901, page 310), Re find and exhibition of 12 coins of early 17th century (19 November 1901, page 329), Re proposed chess tournament (25 November 1901, page 342, 597) Re termination of engagement of E.S Panton (See Vol. 6 page 775) and takeover of C.B Taylor, planned for 1 March ; 8 February 1902, (pages 444, 477, 620), Re franking of books (5 May 1902, page 594).
Volume 8 (9 February 1903 - 25 August 1904) This volume has 1010 pages, 1003-1009 are missing. There is information Re admission of E.G.B DeLisser to reading room (4 April 1903, page 130), Re acquisition of 2 portraits of government Belmore (2 May 1903, page 168), Re acquisition of Arawak pottery (2 May 1903, page 169), Re founding and condition and value of Institute, Library house, museum and content e.a. herbarium; activities; premiums etc. (pages 304, 307), Re estimates of Institute for 1904-1905 (page 356), Re acquisition of Kirkpatrick's painting "The Summit of the Blue Mountain Peak" (6 June 1904, page 864, Re first definite certainty re Coat of Arms of Jamaica (10 May 1902, page 615) ; Vol.9 page 975. Renaming of a firefly Photinums Pantoni (See page 620) 6 June 1902 page 652. Re vacation of building on Institute's premises by island chemist (6 June 1902, page 655), Re estimates of Institute for 1903-1904 pages 862, 891. Re vital statistics of P.Pinnock (12 January 1903,page 953). Volume 9 (30 August 1904 - 5 February 1906) This volume has 1004 pages and the following information : acquisition MSS: G.W. Gordon's removal from magistracy, 1866; Eyre's legal expenses, 1872; Fuller's two reports, 1789 e.a. (9 November 1904, page 145), Re stone image to be transported to England (7 January 1905, pages 287), Re notice to E.S Panton as Curator of Museum (9 January 1905, page 288), Re transition of Botanical to agricultural department (10 January 1905, pages 292), Re acquisition of Long's History (17 February 1905, page 362, Re receipt of map of Port Royal from Senior Naval Officer at same (1 March 1905, pages 388), Re acquisition of G.W Bridge's Annuals of Jamaica (19 September 1905, page 681), Re funds for Musgrave Medals, their description & their awarding (15 December 1905, pages 876), Revital statistics of C. Hobby at Port Royal (17 January 1906, pages 948). Volume 10 (5 February 1906 - 3 August 1907) This volume has 1000 pages and information the following: proposed importation of starlings (3 March 1906, page 56), Re acquisition of painting "Girl's Head" by L. Lee (3 March 1906, page 59), Re acquisition of painting "Long Pond" by N. Shaw (3 March 1906, page 60), Re acquisition of J. Barry, letter to Sir G. Murray, 1830. Map of Jamaica, 1760. Address of Lord's Spiritual, 1707. G.W. Bridges, Annuals of Jamaica, 1827. Gardner History (9 March 1906, page 74), Re J.H. Campbell intends to collect birds for museum (10 April 1906, pages 135, 162), Re quest for the St. Hill brothers before 1780 (12 April 1906, page 146; 150), Re opportunities for coloured people in Jamaica (30 April 1906, page 177), Re Spanish map of Jamaica with name of towns, 1523 - 25 (8 June 1906, page 251), Re selling of Journals of Assembly & council of Jamaica to U.S (12 June 1906, 265 ; 480), Re non-relationship between Commander W. Bligh & Sir Richard R. Bligh (20 June 1906), Re Diocesan Coat of Arms (2 July 1906, page 306), Re removing of manuals on ground floor to give space to books (9 October 1906, page 464), Re meaning of SS in legal documents: Jamaica SS (13 November 1906, 515; 530), Re judgement. Volume 11 (3 August 1907 - 24 September 1908) This volume consists of 1002 pages and has information on the following: quest for Sir Jacob Adolphus, Inspector General of hospitals. c. 1805 (17 October 1907, page 151; 177), acquisition of portrait of Rev. W. Knibb (23 October 1907, page 169), Revised estimates of Revenue & Expenditure of Institute for 1907-1908, page 219, Re discovery of Cayman Islands (15 November 1907, page 220), Re quest for James Hay (19 November 1907, page 237), quest for quaker , J. Perrot (25 November 1907, page 253), acquisition of key of Courthouse of Morant Bay (1865) (2 December 1907, page 287; 471), Re estimates of Expenditure of Institute for 1908-1909, page 328, Re list of Honorary members of Institute (13 December 1907, page 335), Re rebuilding of Institute (18 January 1908, page 411; 413a), Re race relations in Jamaica (31 January 1908, page 444; 448, Re collection of Vendryes of shell to be acquired (12 February 1908, page 480), Re earliest Custodes (15 February 1908, pages 491; 519, Re acquisition of portrait of Hon. R.W. Smith (2 March 1908, page 528), Re acquisition of portrait of Dr. MacFadyen (6 April 1908, page 609;624), information about American loyalists in Jamaica, Kinkead e.a. for Ohio State University (27 May 1908, page 705;830), Re tuition of Miss V.H. Manley for 2 years at Royal Acadamy for Music (2 July 1908, page 793; 908), Re collection of engravings of battle off the Saintes at the Institute; page 848, earliest Jamaica Almanack (1672) (12 August 1908, page 881) - and series in library of the same. Volume 12 (24 September 1908 - 6 September 1909) This volume consists of 1000 pages and include the following information: names & concentration of settling loyalist (24 September 1908, page 1; 6; 59; 90, estimates of Institute for 1909 - 1910 (page 103), cotton cultivation in W.I (2 November 1908, page 103), Francis Barber's & J. Bathurst's stay in Jamaica (2 December 1908, page 171), Will of R. Bathrust (1756) page 175, awarding W. Jekyll the Silver Musgrave Medal (9 January 1909, page 268), awarding Bronze Medals of Musgrave Medal (6 March 1909, page 469), information wanted about C. Leslie & J. Stewart, page 500, street names of Kingston: Princess & Tower Streets (27 March 1809,page 657; 531; 572, terms on which F. Cundall being secretary will be prolonged for 3 months for a year (26 March 1909, page 535; 616; 780, Gladstone Estates in Jamaica (1 April 1909, page 550), career & portrait of Henry Morgan (16 April 1909, page 592), repair or rebuilding of Institute (10 May 1909, page 673; 729; 767), acquisition of facsimile of Wilbour Wright machine (11 May 1909, page 675), vital statistics of P.J Baudry Paris (24 April 1909, page 710), first choral competition in Jamaica page 719, Re the number of birds in the collection of Museum (21 August 1909, page 963). Volume 13 (8 September 1909 - 26 April 1910) This volume consists of 986 pages and includes the following information - estimates of Institute for 1910 - 1911, pages 429; 454, revised estimates of Institute for 1909 - 1910, page 451, acquisition of Vendryes' shell collection (8 December 1909, page 455; 462; 467,Services of a Coolie Is Your Best Plan (25 January 1910, page 504), "Such Services... is Mostly Met by The Employment of Creoles." (1 February 1910, page 537), building Date Tree Hall to be built (18 February 1910, page 628; 690; 935, start of classes in Spanish, page 849. Volume 14 (26 April 1910 - 18 January 1911) This volume consists of 1000 pages and includes information on the following: vital statistics of P.J. Baudry 1817 (14 October 1910, page 465, estimates of Institute for 1911 - 1912 ; page 472, sending of some advertisement literature to Thomas Cooke & Son (26 October 1910, page 533; 539). Volume 15 (NOT FOUND). Volume 16 (September 1911 - March 1912) This volume consists of 1000 pages. Volume 17 (26 July 1912 - 25 February 1913). This volume consists of 1002 pages and include information on planting ornamental trees in front of Institute building (2 August 1912, page 36). Volume 18 (27 February 1913 - 18 October 1913). This volume consists of 998 pages and includes information on the following : acquisition of the portrait of Deputy Surgeon-General Mosse (22 March 1913, page 120), claim of Mrs J.A Fatics for compensation of slaves (12 April 1913, page 246), introduction of deer in Jamaica (22 April 1913, page 268), policy in buying manuscripts (3 May 1913, page 317), acquisition of MS state of Jamaica under Lord Vaughan (1678, page 318), account of Mico Charity (29 May 1913, page 405), securing the third property on Tower Street for Museum (16 June 1913, pages 453;466), closing days, lost books, opening (for lending) hours of library (17 July 1913, page 599). Volume 19 (20 October 1913 - 24 April 1914). This volume has 1000 pages and includes the following : petition of Jews during reign Williams & Mary (page 53), acquisition L.S. from Governor E.
D'Oyley (19 November 1913, page 130), Rivalry Institute & Spanish Town (6 January 1914, page 412), monthly review, The Jamaica Esperantist 1907 (8 January 1914, page 439), return of Proprietors given in to Vestries (1820, page 540), quest for portrait of Sir George Arthur (20 February 1914, page 630), suggestion of former existence of Whaling Station in Jamaica (26 February 1914, page 650), preference of native mahogany to imported iron shelves (26 February 1914, page 651), robbery in the Institute (25 March 1914, page 833). Volume 20 (13 May 1914 - 26 March 1915) This volume consists of 986 pages and includes information on the following: Hakewill's tour, Kidd's Views correspondence (28 May 1914, page 33), acquisition of Robertson's views of Jamaica (31 July 1914, page 157), levy of 3 swords from Institute (14 September 1914, page 198), which of the 50 Kidd views are missing (24 October 1914, page 290; 300; 340; 386; 598; 881; 936, acquisition of Underhill - Cardwell letter (7 December 1914, page 477), resolution regarding G.F Judah at his death by Board of Governors (13 January 1915, page 639), acquisition of sketches by Robins (23 January 1915, page 697; 922, arrival of Entomologist for Institute (1 February 1915, page 721), printing of Historic Jamaica (5 February 1915, page 738), acquisition of A.L of G. Hibbert to Lord Sheffield (15 February 1915, page 805), return of 3 old bells & standard weights to Institute (2 March 1915, page 861; 898), collection of signatures of Governors (6 March 1915, page 878), quest for portrait of J.B. Kidd (6 March 1915, page 893.
Volume 21 (26 March 1915 - 4 January 1916) This volume consists of 993 pages of which page 21 is missing and includes the following information: Re presence of complete set of Kidd's except plate 44 (29 March 1915, page 8; 220, acquisiton of an autograph of "H. Sloane" (31 March 1915, 29;199), copying of Privy council minutes (20 April 1915, page 29; 199), acquisition of duplicate set of Assembly Journals of Bahamas (20 April 1915, page 57), acquisition of Captain Ward's picture (23 April 1915, page 74; 88), acquisition of the Jamaica Gazette (12 May 1915, page 144; 158, conservation of Bowerbank candelabrum & Swettenham cup (14 May 1915, page 167), reconstruction of Library of Louvain & the Institute's contribution (4 June 1915, page 218), authorship of "Legend of Mahogany Hall" (16 June 1915, page 272; 277), acquisition of Arawak Stone Hatchet (18 June 1915, page 297), condition of Natural History Museum (22 July 1915, page 408), acquisition of Spanish coins (26 July 1915, page 417), acquisition of Lord's Rodney's letter to H.M. (1 Sept 1915, page 570), archives in Seville regarding Spanish time of occupation to Mr. J.F. Wright at Seville (29 September 1915, page 665; 876), Nomination of Hon. E.F.H Cox as member of Board of Governors (6 May 1915). Volume 22 (19 January 1916 - 7 September 1916): This volume consists of 1000 pages and contains information on the following - Re Sir Charles Price, rat & mongoose (20 January 1916, page 21), awarding of Silver Musgrave Medal to Mrs J.C Hagen (14 April 1916, page 454), Miss Wright's work in Seville Archives (12 April 1916, page 464; 669; 879), starting again lessons in Spanish (27 April 1916, page 515; 722), find of lignite in Hanover (22 August 1918, page 806; 815), date of establishment of W.I Committee (21 September 1918, page 887), acquisition of Kidd's Military & Commercial map of Jamaica (18 October 1918, page 969), commission of J.D. Board by Bolwar or English Government (23 October 1918, page 978).Volume 23 (11 September 1916 - 27 April 1917): This volume consists 1000 pages. Volume 24 (1 April 1917 - 22 January 1918) : This volume consists of 998 pages and contains information on the following: the acquisition of 2 presentation Militia swords (10 May 1917, page 31), Cambridge honors for S.R. Braithwaite (21 May 1917, page 70), result of public subscription for Miss Wright's work in Seville Archives (13 June 1917, page 119; 218 ; 408, book "The Caribbean Confederation" of the Archbishop (2 July 1917, page 168), shipping off to Berlin of unique Arawak work (page 223), copying of council minutes (27 September 1917, 525), acquisition engraving of Simon Bolivar (6 October 1917, page 563), awarding of Silver Musgrave Medal to W. Harris (20 December 1917, 889), quest for renewal of conies (19 January 1918, page 985).Volume 25 (22 January 1918 - October 1918) : This volume consists of 998 pages and contains information on : acquisition of premises of 94 Tower Street (23 February 1918, page 115), acquisition of Captain Taylor's Music Library (6 March 1918, page 159 ; 188), acquisition of Wilberforce's picture (16 March, page 194), acquisition of Slaney's map of Jamaica 1678 (21 May 1918, page 491), acquisition of books in bulk (page 591), non-acquisition of sundial (7 August 1918, page 760), acquisition of copy of portrait of Sir Henry Blake (10 August 1918, page 768), award of silver Musgrave Medal to W. Harris (12 August 1918, page 777). Volume 26 (17 October 1918 - 18 June 1919): This volume consists of 996 pages and includes information on the following: acquisition of Spanish coins (21 October 1918, page 2), acquisition of 2 old cannons (30 October 1918, page 12), street car traffic (9 December 1918, page 183), scarce representation of W. Parishes in "Historic Jamaica" defended (27 December 1918, page 264; 278), giving up of writing of more biographies by Frank Cundall (8 January 1919, page 308), pedigree of H. Vassall (13 January 1919, page 329), resignation of F. Cundall as Honorary Secretary of the Cambridge Local Examinations Committee(29 January 1919, page 400), acquisition of map of Jamaica by J. Ogilvium (25 February 1919, 504), "Beckford prints" & complete series of Kidd's pictures in the museum (28 February 1919, page 516), acquisition of Robertson Prints (16 April 1919, page 703), stop of immigration of East Indians (2 May 1919, page 800), war memorial part of Museum (10 May 1919, page 832), acquisition of "Rodney & DeGrasse in W.I" 1782 with 11 plans (15 May 1919, page 875), subjects for series of post stamps (16 May 1919, page 861) ss; page 903 ; 956. Volume 27 (18 June 1919 - 31 October 1919) This volume consists of 500 pages and information on the following: acquisition of copy of will of John Wolmer 1729 (19 June 1919, page 5), acquisition of all Jamaican post stamps (20 June 1919, page 11), edition of Jamaica Physical Journal from 1834 on (10 July 1919, page 76 ; 311), removal of C.A Bicknell, every six months to a new parish to establish branch library (2 October 1919, page 382), acquisition of Admiral Sir J.T. Duckworth's victory over the French in Bay of St. Domingo (29 September 1919, page 388), state of the Institute (16 October 1919, page 436). Volume 28 (29 October 1919 - 7 February 1920) This volume consists of 500 pages and information on the following: acquisition of a Man Trap (31 October 1919, page 5), Miss Wright not deserving Silver medal (Archivo de Seville - transcripts, 2 December 1919, page 157), alternations in building of Institute (5 December 1919, page 189), habitat of Indian Cony. (10 December 1919, page 207), awarding of Silver Musgrave Medal to G. Goode (18 December 1919, page 248), acquisition of copies of extracts of Journal of Dr Coke's vists to America 1793 (19 December 1919, page 255), state of salaries of staff of Institute (22 December 1919, page 265), entry of burglar (s) in the Institute (23 December 1919, page 277 also see Vol. 29, page 202), acquisition of Arawak pots from Wallingford & Stonehenge Caves (31 December 1919, page 307), policy of Institute regarding members meetings (22 January 1920, page 418). Volume 29 (7 February 1920 - 29 December 1920) This volume consists 1000 pages and information on the following: Erection of monument at landing place of Surinam settlers, Banister's Bay (2 March 1920, page 114), acquisition of Goat Island to preserve i.a conveys (22 March 1920, page 195), transcription of Spanish documents by Miss I.A Wright (8 April 1920, page 269), Grand Cayman Public Library affiliated to Institute (15 April 1920, page 295), Royal Helmet on Coat of Arms of Jamaica (23 April 1920, page 317), acquisition on W.I Islands Atlas 1830 (30 April 1920, page 358), Confederation of W.I. considered (4 May 1920, page 367), information regarding Ellis family & possessions (6 May 1920, page 372), logbook & photograph of Aeroplane "Jamaica No.1" (7 May 1920, page 392), composition of life of E. Nuttal by Cundall (13 May 1920, page 421), acquisition of music instruments of W.I regiment (20 July 1920, page 585), acquisition of premises no. 94 Tower Street (24 July 1920, page 592), rent of premises on Tower Street (12 August 1920, page 628; 20 August 1920, page 641; 17 September 1920, page 662; 16 November 1920, page 875; 15 October 1920, page 738), acquisition of photographs of paintings of Sir & Mrs J.H. Moore (7 October 1920, page 687; 950), resignation of F. Cundall from Schools Commission (7 October 1920, page 694), plans for new building for Institute (15 October 1920, page 741), Tram ticket, 1920 inside front cover (5 November 1920, page 827), acquisition of Duperly - Lithograph & portrait of knowles (16 November 1920, page 857), change of sea level at Dovr Jamaica (17 November 1920, page 864),acquisition of photograph of paintings of Lady Musgrave (16 December 1920, page 965), acquisition of photograph of Andrew Arcedecke & wife (24 December 1920, page 990). Volume 57 (April 1896-September 1936) : Frank Cundall, secretary. Volume 58 (1936 - 1937) : H.W. Morris, acting secretary, Frank Cundall, secretary & Librarian, Delves Moleworth, assistant secretary. Volume 59 (1936 - 1938): Frank Cundall, Beryl N. Fletcher. Volume 60 (1937 - 1938) : Delves Molesworth, H.W. Morris & Frank Cundall.
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