Particular draughts and plans of some of the principal towns and harbours belonging to the English, French and Spanish, in America and West Indies. A complete atlas or distinct view of the known world by Emanuel Bowen. Emmanuel Bowen?

Publication details: London: W. Innys, 1752Description: 13 maps on one sheet 36 x 44 cm (1 Sheet), 13 ½ x 15 cm (each map)Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 720 gmf 1752
Summary: There are 13 maps on 1 sheet (36 x 44 cm), with each map measuring various scales (13½ x 15 cm). The maps are as follows: 1. A Draught of Boston Harbour, 2. The Harbour of Placentia, 3. The Harbour of Anapolis Royal, 4. A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Louisbourg in the island of Cape Breton, 5. A Draught of New York and Perthamboy Harbour, 6. Harbour of St. Augustine, 7. The Harbour of Providence, 8. The Havana, 9. Bay of St. Jago de Cuba, 10. The Town and Harbour of Charles Town in South Carolina, 11. Fort Royal in Martinico, 12. A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cartagena and 13. A Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of Porto Bello when taken by Admiral Vernon on Nov. 22, 1739 with 6 ships only.
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Maps Maps National Library of Jamaica Special Collection Floor 720 gmf 1752 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available 1000000068535

Reference L.C. list of geog. atlases, vol. 1 1909.

There are 13 maps on 1 sheet (36 x 44 cm), with each map measuring various scales (13½ x 15 cm). The maps are as follows: 1. A Draught of Boston Harbour, 2. The Harbour of Placentia, 3. The Harbour of Anapolis Royal, 4. A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Louisbourg in the island of Cape Breton, 5. A Draught of New York and Perthamboy Harbour, 6. Harbour of St. Augustine, 7. The Harbour of Providence, 8. The Havana, 9. Bay of St. Jago de Cuba, 10. The Town and Harbour of Charles Town in South Carolina, 11. Fort Royal in Martinico, 12. A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cartagena and 13. A Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of Porto Bello when taken by Admiral Vernon on Nov. 22, 1739 with 6 ships only.

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