Subject(s):Box 1/Folder 4
A letter from the World Federation of Trade Union, dated October 27, 1948. Industrial News on the Trade Union Congress and the World Federation of Trade Union, dated October 29, 1948. A letter from comrade M. Faline to Comrade V. Tewson, dated October 29, 1948. A letter from Comrade L. Sailant to Comrade V. Tewson, dated November 3, 1948. A letter from the Trade Union congress to Richard Hart, dated Febraury 4, 1949. A circular from the Trade Union Congress on the matter of the W.F.T.U Split, dated March 15, 1949. A proposal to the Trade Union Congress executive from Frank Hill. A newspaper clipping, dated Aril 1949 with the following heading:Trade Union Congress of Jamaica Advised to Keep Clear of W.F.T.U. Minutes of Trade Union Congress meeting, dated June 30, 1949.
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