Contributor(s): Publication details: 1784Summary: The diagram represents several parcels of lands in the parish of St. James, which we have deliniated in order to ascertain four parcels patented by Mark and James Hardyman which we find to contain only 718 acres as professed by the heirs of said James Hardyman denoted by the red lines. The parcel shaded yellow represents a part of Mark Hardyman 300 acres covered by the prior patents of Shaw and Quarrel which must be lost for that plat has no certain given boundary by which the true situation can be ascertained. The plat of James Hardyman surveyed in September 1755 calls on the head of Tangle River or Crooked River but the possession under that plat is several miles distant from the River Head. The parcel shaded blue is part of the prior patents of Mark and James Hardyman cutt off by the lines run for William Reids 300 acres. The parcel circumscribed by green shaded lines, denotes part of Mark and James Hardymans junior plats of Reid, Quarrel and Certain....Surveyed and protracted from a scale of twenty chains to an inch in Janauary 1784. Sheriff and Munro are surveyors
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Maps Maps National Library of Jamaica Available 1000000054921

The diagram represents several parcels of lands in the parish of St. James, which we have deliniated in order to ascertain four parcels patented by Mark and James Hardyman which we find to contain only 718 acres as professed by the heirs of said James Hardyman denoted by the red lines. The parcel shaded yellow represents a part of Mark Hardyman 300 acres covered by the prior patents of Shaw and Quarrel which must be lost for that plat has no certain given boundary by which the true situation can be ascertained. The plat of James Hardyman surveyed in September 1755 calls on the head of Tangle River or Crooked River but the possession under that plat is several miles distant from the River Head. The parcel shaded blue is part of the prior patents of Mark and James Hardyman cutt off by the lines run for William Reids 300 acres. The parcel circumscribed by green shaded lines, denotes part of Mark and James Hardymans junior plats of Reid, Quarrel and Certain....Surveyed and protracted from a scale of twenty chains to an inch in Janauary 1784. Sheriff and Munro are surveyors

Crooked River

Tangle River

Vaughansfield Pen

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