Contributor(s): Summary: Diagram prepared for use in the Supreme Court in the case of Doe ex Dim Duke of Buckingham et Ux vs. Mattocks. In obedience to an order in the above cause we have repaired to the premises in question, made the necessary traverses and Exammed the several deeds on record relative to the lands in dispute and find that the palintiff's claim under a conveyance from Collard & William et al to her Grace the Duchess of Chandos bearing date 2nd July 1790 of 300 acres of land commonly called or known by the name of Little Hope, a plat or diagram of which is on record, attched to an ....(Please see shelf list for details)
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Diagram prepared for use in the Supreme Court in the case of Doe ex Dim Duke of Buckingham et Ux vs. Mattocks. In obedience to an order in the above cause we have repaired to the premises in question, made the necessary traverses and Exammed the several deeds on record relative to the lands in dispute and find that the palintiff's claim under a conveyance from Collard & William et al to her Grace the Duchess of Chandos bearing date 2nd July 1790 of 300 acres of land commonly called or known by the name of Little Hope, a plat or diagram of which is on record, attched to an ....(Please see shelf list for details)

Little Hope

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