<The> American traveller; being a new historical collection carefully compiled from original memoirs in several languages, and the most authentick voyages and travels. Containing a compleat account of that part of the world, now called the West Indies from its discovery by Columbus to the present time. To which is prefixed, an introduction, shewing the rise, progress, and improvement of navigation, the use and properties of the loadstone, and an enquiry concerning the first inhabitants of America. With an account of Admiral Vernons taking Porto Bello, Fort Charge, and Carthagena...
Publication details: London J. Fuller 1745Description: 1 p.l. xiii 14-396p. plates (incl 2 ports) 18cmDDC classification:- RBC 973.1, Ame
- 170697 Charm
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170697 Charm
cf. Sabin no. 1250
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