Yellow bird

Kingston, Jamaica Dynamic Sounds Recording Company LimitedContent type:
  • Sound recording
Media type:
Carrier type:
  • 1 LP
Subject(s): Genre/Form:
Yellow bird Luboff, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 1
Fire fire Calypso Rose, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 2
Jamaica farewell Burgess, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 3
Shame and scandal Belafonte and Burgess, writers Jamaica Duke; Performer 4
Mr. Walker Francisco Slinger, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 5
Wings of a dove Jamaica Duke; Performer 1
Jamaica calling Jamaica Duke; Performer 2
Chicken chest Jamaica Duke; Performer 3
Island in the sun Burgess and Belafonte, writers Jamaica Duke; Performer 4
Matilda Norman Span, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 5
Kirten Reginald (Jamaica Duke)Olia GonzalezCharles HarrisonVernel VasselPercy GayleAlwyn StanfordPaul WilsonSidney Gregory
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Item type Current library Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode
LP LP National Library of Jamaica Audio Visual Not For Loan 1000000000205

Mikes used were Telefunken-Neuman U87, U67-Sony Condensers-E.Vs-AKG's RCA 77DX, Senheiser Feeding a custom built console. The programme was recorded on an ampex AG 440-employing the Haeco Equalization System.

Yellow bird Luboff, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 1

Fire fire Calypso Rose, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 2

Jamaica farewell Burgess, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 3

Shame and scandal Belafonte and Burgess, writers Jamaica Duke; Performer 4

Mr. Walker Francisco Slinger, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 5

Wings of a dove Jamaica Duke; Performer 1

Jamaica calling Jamaica Duke; Performer 2

Chicken chest Jamaica Duke; Performer 3

Island in the sun Burgess and Belafonte, writers Jamaica Duke; Performer 4

Matilda Norman Span, writer Jamaica Duke; Performer 5

Kirten Reginald (Jamaica Duke)

Olia Gonzalez

Charles Harrison

Vernel Vassel

Percy Gayle

Alwyn Stanford

Paul Wilson

Sidney Gregory

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