Essays in colonial history presented to Charles McLean Andrews by his students.
Publication details: New Haven Yale university press; London H. Milford, Oxford university press 1931Description: xvi, 345p. front (port) 23cmSubject(s): DDC classification:- 973.2 Ess
Contents - Land tenure in English colonial charters of the seveenth century, by Viola F. Barnes. - Land tenure in New Netherland, by C.W. Rife - The Earl of Stirling and the colonization of Long island by Isabel M. Calder. - The four independent companies of New York, by S.M. Pargellis. - Parliamentary privilege in the American colonies, by Mary P. Clarke - The early careers of the royal governors, by L.W. Labaree. - Johnathan Belcher, junior, chief justice and lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia, by R.G. Lounsbury. - The impressment of seamen in the American colonies, by Dora M. Clark. The economic causes of the rise of Baltimore, by C.P. Gould. - The settlement and financing of British West India plantations in the eighteenth century, by F.W. Pitman. - The taxation of the Connecticut towns, 1750-1775 by L.H. Gipson. some political ideals of the colonial period as they were realized in the old Northwest, by B.W. Bond, jr.
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