Francisco de Miranda soldier and patriot
Francisco de Miranda soldier and patriot
- Plaistow Curwen Press, printers [1950]
- 24 [1]p. incl. facisms, ill. 25cm
Published on the occasion of the bicentenary of Miranda's birth Contents : Life and work of Miranda, based on material supplied by Senor Carlos Pi Sunyer, p. 3-18 Miranda and Great Britain, by Sir George Ogilvie Forbes, p. 19-[25]
Pam B / WI Mir
Published on the occasion of the bicentenary of Miranda's birth Contents : Life and work of Miranda, based on material supplied by Senor Carlos Pi Sunyer, p. 3-18 Miranda and Great Britain, by Sir George Ogilvie Forbes, p. 19-[25]
Pam B / WI Mir