... Catalogue of old English silver and Sheffield plate, comprising part of the Nugent heirlooms. The property of the late Sir Edmund C. Nugent, Bart of West Harling Hall, Norfolk. The property of the late Percy Anderson, Esq. ... The property of a lady, &c. Which will be sold by Auction by order of the Trustees, with the approval of the court, &c
Catalogue of old English silver and Sheffield plate, comprising part of the Nugent heirlooms. The property of the late Sir Edmund C. Nugent, Bart of West Harling Hall, Norfolk. The property of the late Percy Anderson, Esq. ... The property of a lady, &c. Which will be sold by Auction by order of the Trustees, with the approval of the court, &c
- Reynolds Galleries... 1929
- 15p. 24�cm
Bound with Catalogue of fine old English furniture ... and other papers.
739 / Ja C357 1929
Bound with Catalogue of fine old English furniture ... and other papers.
739 / Ja C357 1929