The theory and history of earthquakes, containing a rational account of their causes and effects ... a particular and authentic history of those which have happened in these Kingdoms and the most remarkable of those abroad, viz. in Sicily, Jamaica, and Lima ...
The theory and history of earthquakes, containing a rational account of their causes and effects ... a particular and authentic history of those which have happened in these Kingdoms and the most remarkable of those abroad, viz. in Sicily, Jamaica, and Lima ...
- London Printed for and sold by J. Newberry ... and R. Baldwin... J. Brindley ... G. Woodfall...and M. Sheepy [1750?]
- 62p ill 20cm
Bound with, A Genuine account of earthquakes, especially that at Oxford, in the year 1683 ; and of another terrible one at Port - Royal, in Jamaica, in the year 1692. London, 1750
Earthquakes - Jamaica - 1692
972.9203 / Ja The
Bound with, A Genuine account of earthquakes, especially that at Oxford, in the year 1683 ; and of another terrible one at Port - Royal, in Jamaica, in the year 1692. London, 1750
Earthquakes - Jamaica - 1692
972.9203 / Ja The