The seventy-fifth annivesary of the founding of Synagogue Share Shalom, Kingston, Jamaica, 1885-1960 a panorama of Jamaican jewry.
Silverman, Henry Phillips
The seventy-fifth annivesary of the founding of Synagogue Share Shalom, Kingston, Jamaica, 1885-1960 a panorama of Jamaican jewry. - Kingston United Printers Ltd. 1960 - 27p. photos., map 28cm
Pam 325.25693 / Ja Sil
The seventy-fifth annivesary of the founding of Synagogue Share Shalom, Kingston, Jamaica, 1885-1960 a panorama of Jamaican jewry. - Kingston United Printers Ltd. 1960 - 27p. photos., map 28cm
Pam 325.25693 / Ja Sil