An answer to the objections of the Reverend Thomas Pennock, against "Methodism as it is" As published in the Jamaica Watchman, between June 7th and July 5th, 1837
Kerr, David
An answer to the objections of the Reverend Thomas Pennock, against "Methodism as it is" As published in the Jamaica Watchman, between June 7th and July 5th, 1837 - Montego-Bay Printed by Alexander Holmes 1838 - 56p 22cm
Pam 287.1 / Ja Ker
An answer to the objections of the Reverend Thomas Pennock, against "Methodism as it is" As published in the Jamaica Watchman, between June 7th and July 5th, 1837 - Montego-Bay Printed by Alexander Holmes 1838 - 56p 22cm
Pam 287.1 / Ja Ker