In the hills where her dreams live poems for Chile, 1973-1980
Salkey, Andrew
In the hills where her dreams live poems for Chile, 1973-1980 - Sausalito, Calif. Black Scholar Press 1981 - 33p 22cm
Originally published : Havanna, Casa de las Americas, 1979
ISBN 0-933296-09-5 (sd)
West Indies - Poetry
Pam 811 / Ja Sal
In the hills where her dreams live poems for Chile, 1973-1980 - Sausalito, Calif. Black Scholar Press 1981 - 33p 22cm
Originally published : Havanna, Casa de las Americas, 1979
ISBN 0-933296-09-5 (sd)
West Indies - Poetry
Pam 811 / Ja Sal