Environment and development in the Caribbean :

Environment and development in the Caribbean : geographical perspectives / edited by David Barker and Duncan F.M. McGregor. - Jamaica : The Press, University of the West Indies, 1995. - xvi, 304 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

A geographical focus for environment and development in the Caribbean / Duncan F.M. McGregor and David Barker -- The impact of thermal effluent discharge on the Barbados southern west coast / Leonard A. Nurse, Kenneth A. Atherley and Leo A. Brewster -- Bahamian blue holes : windows on the past, resources for the future / Neil E. Sealey -- Wetland resource rehabilitation for sustainable development in the Eastern Caribbean / Peter R. Bacon -- Sustainable tourism in the Caribbean / Lesley France and Brian Wheeller -- Tourism development in small islands : St. Maarten/St. Martin and Bermuda / Klaus de Albuquerque and Jerome L. McElroy -- The cost of housing in a tourist economy : the US Virgin Islands / Frank L. Mills -- Disaster mitigation and cost-benefit analysis : conceptual perspectives / Jeremy McA. Collymore -- Tropical cyclone activity within the Caribbean Basin since 1500 / Alison J. Reading and Rory P.D. Walsh -- Landslides in Jamaica : extent, significance and geological zonation / Rafi Ahmad -- Evaluating landslide hazard for land use planning : upper St. Andrew, Jamaica / Russell J. Maharaj -- Soil erosion, environmental change and development in the Caribbean : a deepening crisis? / Duncan F.M. McGregor -- Coastal development and geomorphological processes : Scotland District, Barbados / Fatima Patel -- Drainage and irrigation projects in Guyana : environmental considerations / Patrick E. Williams -- Implementing a national park system for Jamaica : the PARC Project / David C. Smith -- The Cockpit Country : a World Heritage site? / L. Alan Eyre -- Farming on the fringe : small-scale agriculture on the edge of the Cockpit Country / David Barker and David J. Miller.

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Environmental policy--Caribbean Area.
Sustainable development--Caribbean Area.
Tourism--Caribbean Area.
Environmental policy.
Sustainable development.

Caribbean Area--Environmental conditions.
Caribbean Area.

GE160.C27 / E55 1995


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