Democracy in the Caribbean :

Democracy in the Caribbean : myths and realities / edited by Carlene J. Edie. - Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 1994. - xvi, 296 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 277-285) and index.

Democracy and middle-class domination in the Anglophone Caribbean / Percy C. Hintzen -- Jamaica : clientelism, dependency, and democratic stability / Carlene J. Edie -- Guyana : ethnic politics and the erosion of human rights and democratic governance / Ralph R. Premdas -- Trinidad and Tobago : democracy, nationalism, and the construction of racial identity / Percy C. Hintzen -- Barbados : democracy at the crossroads / Neville Duncan -- Grenada : from parliamentary rule to people's power / Dessima Williams -- Belize : challenges to democracy / Alma H. Young -- Suriname : the politics of transition from authoritarianism to democracy, 1988-1992 / Betty Sedoc-Dahlberg -- Dominican Republic : electoralism, pacts, and clientelism in the making of a democratic regime / Rosario Espinal. Puerto Rico : problems of democracy and decolonization in the late twentieth century -- Cuba : unchanging change ; the boundaries of democracy / Carolee Bengelsdorf -- Haiti : prospects for democracy / Kenneth I. Boodhoo -- Democratization and foreign intervention / Pedro A. Noguera -- Problems and prospects for the survival of liberal democracy in the Anglophone Caribbean / Selwyn Ryan -- Parties and electoral competition in the Anglophone Caribbean, 1944-1991 / Patrick Emmanuel.

For review see: B.W. Higman, in The Hispanic American historical review, 75, 3 (August 1995); p. 513-514; Anthony J. Payne, in New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, vol. 71, no. 1 & 2 (1997); p. 143-145.

0275945952 9780275945954


GB9456533 bnb

027-59459 uk

Since 1945

Democracy--Caribbean Area.
Representative government and representation--Caribbean Area.
89.40 internal relations of the state: general.
Democracia--Caribe (Regi on)
Politics and government
Representative government and representation.
Politieke stelsels.
Constitutional law.

Caribbean Area--Politics and government--1945-
Caribbean Area.

Democracy History Caribbean region

JL599.5.A2 / D46 1994


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