The Bible and liberation :

The Bible and liberation : political and social hermeneutics / edited by Norman K. Gottwald and Richard A. Horsley. - Rev. ed. - Maryknoll, N.Y. : London : Orbis Books ; SPCK, 1993. - xxi, 558 pages ; 23 cm - The Bible & liberation series . - Bible & liberation. .

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

The use of the Bible in Christian communities of the common people / Discovering the Bible in the nonbiblical world / Reading her way through the struggle: African American women and the Bible / Biblical hermeneutics and black theology in South Africa: the use of the Bible / The Bible in Latin American liberation theology / In what sense did Yahweh bring Israel out of Egypt? / Faith and ideologies in biblical revelation / Marxist critical tools: are they helpful in breaking the stranglehold of idealist hermeneutics? / The materialist reading of the Bible: report on an alternative approach to biblical texts / The liberation of the Bible / Sociological method in the study of ancient Israel / Liberating narrative and liberating understanding: the Christmas story / The practice of biblical interpretaion: Luke 10:38-42 / Trajectories in Old Testament literature and the sociology of ancient Israel / Theological issues in The tribes of Yahweh by N.K. Gottwald: two critical reviews / The theological task after The tribes of Yahweh / Bitter bounty: the dynamics of political economy critiqued by the eighth-century prophets / A materialist reading of Micah / "To play the harlot": an inquiry into an Old Testament metaphor / Jeremiah vs. Hananiah: ideology and truth in Old Testament prophecy / Social class and ideology in Isaiah 40-55: an Eagletonian reading / Power, politics, and the making of the Bible: the Torah / The Deuteronomic law code and the politics of state centralization / "Enemies" and the politics of prayer in the Book of Psalms / The imperial situation of Palestinian Jewish society / The kingdom of God and the renewal of Israel / The ideology and social strategy of Mark's community / Women as followers of Jesus in New Testament times: an exercise in sociohistorical exegesis of the Bible / "You are not to be called father": early Christian history in a feminist perspective / A chamberlain's journey and the challenge of interpretation for liberation / Paul's message of freedom / The scandalous message of James: the angle of praxis / Carlos Mesters -- Kwok Pui Lan -- Renita J. Weems -- Itumeleng J. Mosala -- Arthur F. McGovern -- George V. Pixley -- Juan Luis Segundo -- Jos e M iguez Bonino -- Kuno F ussel -- David Lochhead -- Norman K. Gottwald -- Richard A. Horsley -- Elisabeth Sch ussler Fiorenza -- Walter Brueggemann -- Walter Brueggemann and Franklin J. Woo -- Norman K. Gottwald -- Marvin L. Chaney -- Itumeleng J. Mosala -- Phyllis A. Bird -- Henri Mottu -- Norman K. Gottwald -- Robert B. Coote and Mary P. Coote -- Naomi Steinberg -- Gerald T. Sheppard -- Richard A. Horsley -- Richard A. Horsley -- Ched Myers -- Luise Schottroff -- Elisabeth Sch ussler Fiorenza -- Clarice J. Martin -- Amos Jones, Jr. -- Elsa Tamez.

"The first edition of this work, published in 1983, helped to establish the significance of new sociological and political approaches to the Bible. Now, ten years later, this new edition of The Bible and Liberation broadens the work, reflecting the dramatic advances made in this area in the past decade."--BOOK JACKET. "Socio-political treatments of the Bible have flourished, particularly with the rising influence of feminist, third-world, and other liberationist perspectives. At the same time, these approaches have served to critique and redirect earlier sociological and political methods. Editors Norman K. Gottwald and Richard A. Horsley have brought together essays from a wide spectrum of theologians whose investigations into the social location of biblical texts are joined with attention to the social context of the reader."--BOOK JACKET. "After an Introduction by the editors that surveys and summarizes developments and the current state of socio-political interpretations, The Bible and Liberation begins with essays that outline various approaches to the Bible from Asia, Latin America, South Africa, and North America. It then continues with treatments of specific issues in both the Hebrew Bible and the Second Testament."--BOOK JACKET. "Critical notes and introductions make The Bible and Liberation an essential work both for students and scholars, as well as for church, group, and individual Bible study."--Jacket.

0883448491 9780883448496 0281047197 9780281047192 088344044X 9780883440445


GB9355340 bnb GB93W5569 bnb

Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Christianity and politics--Biblical teaching.
Sociology, Biblical.
Liberation theology.
Christianity and politics--Biblical teaching.
Liberation theology.
Sociology, Biblical.
Theologie der Befreiung

Christianity Hermeneutics Liberation theology

Criticism, interpretation, etc.

BS476 / .B49 1993


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