Caribbean /

Michener, James A. 1907-1997.

Caribbean / James A. Michener. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1989. - 672 pages : illustrations, color maps ; 24 cm

The maps are on the lining papers.

The turbulent history of the Caribbean islands is chronicled, from tribal conflicts on Dominica and the age of exploration, to the Cuban revolution and the tempestuous present, through the colourful lives of characters, fictional and real-life.

0436279711 9780436279713


GB8948120 bnb

043-62797 Uk 007379213 Uk

West Indian - fiction

Caribbean Area--History--Fiction.
Caribbean Area.

Fiction in English American writers, 1945- - Texts.

Epic fiction.
Historical fiction.
Historical fiction.
Historical fiction.
Epic fiction.

F Mic

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