British capitalism and Caribbean slavery :

British capitalism and Caribbean slavery : the legacy of Eric Williams / [edited by] Barbara L. Solow, Stanley L. Engerman. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1987. - x, 345 pages ; 24 cm. - Studies in interdisciplinary history . - Studies in interdisciplinary history. .

Papers originally presented at the Rockefeller Study and Conference Center at Bellagio, Italy, May 21-25, 1984.

Includes bibliographical references.

British capitalism and Caribbean slavery : the legacy of Eric Williams : an introduction / Barbara L. Solow and Stanley L. Engerman -- Race and slavery : considerations on the Williams thesis / William A. Green -- Capitalism and slavery in the exceedingly long run / Barbara L. Solow -- Slavery and the development of industrial capitalism in England / Joseph E. Inikori -- The slave trade, sugar, and British economic growth, 1748-1776 / David Richardson -- The American Revolution and the British West Indies' economy / Selwyn H.H. Carrington -- "Dreadful idlers" in the cane fields : the slave labor pattern on a Jamaican sugar estate, 1762-1831 / Richard S. Dunn -- Paradigms tossed : capitalism and the political sources of abolition / Seymour Drescher. Capitalism, abolitionism, and hegemony / David Brion Davis -- Eric Williams and abolition : the birth of a new orthodoxy / Howard Temperley -- What and who to whom and what : the significance of slave resistance / Michael Craton -- Capitalism and slavery on the Islands : a lesson from the mainland / Gavin Wright -- "The Williams effect" : Eric Williams's Capitalism and slavery and the growth of West Indian political economy / Hilary McD. Beckles -- Eric Williams and Capitalism and slavery : a biographical and historiographical essay / Richard B. Sheridan.

A study of the relationship between Great Britain and plantation slave colonies in the Caribbean, representing the proceedings of a conference on Caribbean Slavery and British Capitalism convened in 1984 in honour of Eric Williams, author of the 1944 classic "Capitalism and Slavery".

0521334780 9780521334785

25.00 : CIP rev.


GB8716091 bnb b8716091

008757521 Uk

Williams, Eric Eustace, 1911-1981 --Congresses.
Williams, Eric, 1911-1981.
Williams, Eric Eustace, 1911-1981
Williams, Eric Eustace.


Slave trade--History--West Indies, British--Congresses.
Slave trade--History--Great Britain--Congresses.
Economic history.
Slave trade.
Slave trade--History.--West Indies, British

Great Britain--Economic conditions--1760-1860--Congresses.
Great Britain.
West Indies--British West Indies.
Great Britain--Economic conditions--1760-1860.

Caribbean region, 1750-1831

Conference papers and proceedings.

HT1092 / .B75 1987




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