West Indies and Guiana with Honduras, Bermuda and the Falklands :

Aspinall, Algernon Edward, Sir, 1871-1952.

West Indies and Guiana with Honduras, Bermuda and the Falklands : six lectures prepared for the Visual instruction committee of the Colonial office / by Algernon E. Aspinall. - London : G. Philip & Son , 1914. - viii, 152 pages : illustrations, plates, maps ; 19 cm. - Visual instruction committee. Handbooks, no. 6 . - Handbooks (Great Britain. Visual Instruction Committee) ; no. 6. .

Plates printed on both sides of leaf.

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West Indies, British--Description and travel.
Guyana--Description and travel.
Belize--Description and travel.
Falkland Islands--Description and travel.
Falkland Islands.
West Indies--British West Indies.

F1432.A8 / W3 1914

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