Mass media and foreign policy :

Mass media and foreign policy : post-Cold War crises in the Caribbean / edited by Walter C. Soderlund. - Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2003. - x, 184 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-175) and indexes.

Introduction / Walter C. Soderlund -- The Jamaat-al-Muslimeen Coup in Trinidad and Tobago, 1990 / Walter C. Soderlund -- The military coup in Haiti, 1991 / Ralph C. Nelson and Walter C. Soderlund -- The attempted restoration of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the presidency of Haiti, 1993 / Walter C. Soderlund and Ralph C. Nelson -- The restoration of democracy to Haiti, 1994 / Walter C. Soderlund and Ralph C. Nelson -- The Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas, 1994 / Walter C. Soderlund and E. Donald Briggs -- The Cuban Rafter Crisis, 1994 / Walter C. Soderlund -- The Cuban shoot-down of "Brother to the Rescue" aircraft, 1996 / Walter C. Soderlund -- Conclusion / Walter C. Soderlund.

0275977854 9780275977856


Since 1945

05.30 mass communication and mass media: general.
Politics and government
Press coverage.
Mass media.
Political crisis.
Armed conflicts.
Geschichte 1990-2003.

Caribbean Area--Press coverage--United States.
Caribbean Area--Politics and government--1945-
United States
Caribbean Area.
Caribbean region.
United States.

PN4888.C47 / S62 2003


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