Reasons why Lucea is more convenient for the Spanish trade, than Montego Bay, offered by James Kerr, who was concerned in that trade from the commencement of it, and resided at Lucea above 20 years With answer to Mr. Kerr's reasons for opening St. Lucea, by Mr. Vaughan, who resided sixteen years in Jamaica ...

Kerr, James

Reasons why Lucea is more convenient for the Spanish trade, than Montego Bay, offered by James Kerr, who was concerned in that trade from the commencement of it, and resided at Lucea above 20 years With answer to Mr. Kerr's reasons for opening St. Lucea, by Mr. Vaughan, who resided sixteen years in Jamaica ... - pub 1750 - 4 pages

Bound with a Bill for opening and establishing certain ports in the islands of Jamaica and Dominica, for the more free importation and exportation of certain goods and merchandizes, 176?

F 387 / Ja Kerr

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