Mankind and the Church; being an attempt to estimate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the Church of God.
Montgomery, Henry Hutchinson Rt. Rev.
Mankind and the Church; being an attempt to estimate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the Church of God. By seven bishops; ed. with an intro. by the Right Rev. H.H. Montgomery D.D., Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. - London Longmans, Green and Co. ... 1907. - (v)-xlviii, I 1. (3)-398 pages 21.5 x 14 cm
Mankind and the Church; being an attempt to estimate the contribution of great races to the fulness of the Church of God. By seven bishops; ed. with an intro. by the Right Rev. H.H. Montgomery D.D., Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. - London Longmans, Green and Co. ... 1907. - (v)-xlviii, I 1. (3)-398 pages 21.5 x 14 cm