Third national communication of Jamaica to the United Nations framework covention on climate change prepared for the Ministry of Econmic Growth & Job Creation Climate Change Division .
Third national communication of Jamaica to the United Nations framework covention on climate change prepared for the Ministry of Econmic Growth & Job Creation Climate Change Division .
- Kingston [The Towers 25 Dominica Drive Kgn 5] Ministry of economic Growth & Job Creation/ Climate Change Division 2018
- 422 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cm
- The Adventure Series .
Include bibliographical references ( pages 410 - 421 )
9789766540531 9766540535
Climatic changes--Jamaica.
Climatic changes--Economic aspects--Jamaica.
Climatic changes--Government policy--Jamaica.
Greenhouse gases--Environmental aspects--Jamaica.
Global warming.
Climatic changes--Government policy.
Climatic changes--Economic aspects.
Climatic changes.
Global warming.
Greenhouse gases--Environmental aspects.
Include bibliographical references ( pages 410 - 421 )
9789766540531 9766540535
Climatic changes--Jamaica.
Climatic changes--Economic aspects--Jamaica.
Climatic changes--Government policy--Jamaica.
Greenhouse gases--Environmental aspects--Jamaica.
Global warming.
Climatic changes--Government policy.
Climatic changes--Economic aspects.
Climatic changes.
Global warming.
Greenhouse gases--Environmental aspects.