Hasty gleanings from the Carib language, 1890 together with the History of Mrs Palmer.
Hasty gleanings from the Carib language, 1890 together with the History of Mrs Palmer.
- 1890
- 13 pages ; 13 x 19 cm
- handwritten notebook in a folder
This manuscript contains a list of Carib words from the lips of David Ballantyne, a Carib of St. Vincent, by a native schoolmaster. The original MS of Hasty Gleanings was exhibited in the St. Vincent Court of the Jamaican exhibition, 1891 and was sent to F. Cundall to be copied March 101891.
Palmer, Annie--History.
Plantation owners--Jamaica.
Plantation owners.
This manuscript contains a list of Carib words from the lips of David Ballantyne, a Carib of St. Vincent, by a native schoolmaster. The original MS of Hasty Gleanings was exhibited in the St. Vincent Court of the Jamaican exhibition, 1891 and was sent to F. Cundall to be copied March 101891.
Palmer, Annie--History.
Plantation owners--Jamaica.
Plantation owners.