Constitutional development in the Commonwealth Caribbean /

Ghany, Hamid A.,

Constitutional development in the Commonwealth Caribbean / Hamid A. Ghany. - xxxi, 157 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 147-153) and index.

Federation and independence -- The supremacy of parliament and the supremacy of the Constitution -- Magna Carta and human rights -- Parliamentary structures and composition -- Commonwealth Caribbean presidencies -- The challenges of constitutional reform.

9789766379599 9766379599


GBB9F5845 bnb

019090348 Uk

Constitutions--Caribbean Area.
Constitutional history--Caribbean Area.
Constitutional history--West Indies, British.
Legislative bodies--Caribbean Area.
Constitutional history.
Legislative bodies.
Politics and government.

Caribbean Area--Politics and government.
West Indies--British West Indies.
Caribbean Area.

KGL5548 / .G43 2018


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