Vision 2030 Jamaica

Vision 2030 Jamaica - 1 videodisc

Executive producer: Planning Institute of Jamaica. Director and director of photography: Gregory E. Lopez. Producer and script writer: Janet Morrison; Producer manager - P. Michael Carrol; Camera operator - Andrew Wedderburn; Production Assistant - Deborah Bartley; Grips: Neville Smith, Denzil Smith; Television studio facilities- Just Wright and Creative Sound Studios photography; Vision 2030 theme music - arrange and produced by Paul Carrol, Paul Davidson and Howard Bedasse; Production and post facilities - Primary colours productions Ltd; Creative sounds studios.

This video covers aspects of the vision 2030 plan for Jamaica. It looks at the people, the vision, four national goals, fifteen national outcomes and eighty-four national strategies. This video also discusses how they plan to monitor and evaluate these plans so to make them effective and it also take a look at where will Jamaica be in 2030.

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