Report of the Board of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of the trade dispute between the Trinidad Consolidated Telephones Limited and certain of their work-men represented by the Communication Services and General Workers' Trade Union.

Report of the Board of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of the trade dispute between the Trinidad Consolidated Telephones Limited and certain of their work-men represented by the Communication Services and General Workers' Trade Union. - Trinidad Government Printing Office 1959 - 67 pages tables 33 cm

Mr. I.E. Hyatali: Chairman Mr. I.E. Hyatali: Chairman

Arbitration, Industrial--Cases.--Trinidad and Tobago
Strikes and lockouts--Telephone companies--Cases.--Trinidad and Tobago
Labor disputes--Trinidad and Tobago.
Wages--Cases.--Trinidad and Tobago
Arbitration, Industrial
Labor disputes
Strikes and lockouts--Telephone companies

Trinidad and Tobago

Trials, litigation, etc.

O 331.15, Rep

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