Reality versus romance in South Central Africa being an account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the west, through Bihe Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalihari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire Highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the east coast /

Johnston, James

Reality versus romance in South Central Africa being an account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the west, through Bihe Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalihari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire Highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the east coast / James Johnston. - London : Hodder and Stoughton, pref. 1893. - 353 pages : illustrations, folded map ; 25 cm

916.8 Joh

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