The true and perfect Newes of the worthy and valiant exploits, performed and done by that valiant knight Sir Frauncis Drake : not only at Sancto Domingo, and Carthagena, but also now at Cales and upon the coast of Spayne, 1587 by Thomas Greepe. Now reproduced in Facsimile from the original edition in the Private Library of Henry C. Taylor, Esq. with an Introd., Notes and Bibliography of English Military books by David W. Waters, F.R. Hist. S. Lt. Comdr. R.N.

Thomas Greepe.

The true and perfect Newes of the worthy and valiant exploits, performed and done by that valiant knight Sir Frauncis Drake : not only at Sancto Domingo, and Carthagena, but also now at Cales and upon the coast of Spayne, 1587 by Thomas Greepe. Now reproduced in Facsimile from the original edition in the Private Library of Henry C. Taylor, Esq. with an Introd., Notes and Bibliography of English Military books by David W. Waters, F.R. Hist. S. Lt. Comdr. R.N. PRINT - Hartford, Connecticut : [Yale University Press], 1955. - 95 pages : front (Sir Francis Drake) chart of Drake's W.I. voyage, plate, portrait, 3 maps ; - American Naticum Number Three. . - American Naticum Number Three. .

List of sources : pages 89-95.

Partial -- Introd. I: Assessment of News of Drake in 1587 (incl.) comments on the Elizabethan ballad); Introd. II: ... Significance of Drake's Caribbean Raid 1585-86; Introd. III; Three letters concerning the Cadiz Expedition, 1857.

Drake, Sir Francis, 1540?-1596.

Military books, English to 1587.

Privateering--West Indies.

West Indies, History--Naval.

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