Cost of living and employment :
Naraine, Shiw Sehai
Cost of living and employment : address / by the Minister of Housinf and Reconstruction, Hon. Shiw Sahai Marine at the 16th Annual P.N.C. Delegates' Congress, Queen's College. - Lacytown : Design & Graphic , 1973. - 20 pages ; 21 cm - 2nd . - 2nd .
People's National Congress.
Guyana. Parliament --Elections, 1973.
Guyana. Parliament
People's National Congress
Political parties--Guyana--Platforms.
Political parties--Congresses.--Guyana
Cost and standard of living--Guyana.
Cost and standard of living
Economic history
Political parties
Politics and government
Guyana--Economic conditions.
Guyana--Politics and government.
Conference papers and proceedings
Political platforms
Cost of living and employment : address / by the Minister of Housinf and Reconstruction, Hon. Shiw Sahai Marine at the 16th Annual P.N.C. Delegates' Congress, Queen's College. - Lacytown : Design & Graphic , 1973. - 20 pages ; 21 cm - 2nd . - 2nd .
People's National Congress.
Guyana. Parliament --Elections, 1973.
Guyana. Parliament
People's National Congress
Political parties--Guyana--Platforms.
Political parties--Congresses.--Guyana
Cost and standard of living--Guyana.
Cost and standard of living
Economic history
Political parties
Politics and government
Guyana--Economic conditions.
Guyana--Politics and government.
Conference papers and proceedings
Political platforms