The manufacture of cane sugar, by Llewellyn Jones, M.I.E.S., and Frederic I. Scard, F.I.C. 2d ed., rev., with 270 illustrations and disgrams, with an introduction by Algernon Aspinwall, C.M.G.

Jones, Llewellyn

The manufacture of cane sugar, by Llewellyn Jones, M.I.E.S., and Frederic I. Scard, F.I.C. 2d ed., rev., with 270 illustrations and disgrams, with an introduction by Algernon Aspinwall, C.M.G. - London : Pub. under the auspices of the West India committee by Duckworth & Co. , [1921]. - xix, 481 pages : color frontispiece, plates (some folded) plans (some folded) ; 22 cm

Sugar--Manufacture and refining.
Scard, Frederic Isenbart, joint author
West India committee.

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