An Inquiry into the causes which produce, and the means of preventing, diseases among British Officers, soldiers, and others in the West Indies
Bell, John
An Inquiry into the causes which produce, and the means of preventing, diseases among British Officers, soldiers, and others in the West Indies Containing observations on the mode of action of spiritous liquors on the human body; on the use of malt liquor, and on salted provisions; with remarks on the most proper means of preserving them ... - London Printed for J. Murray ... M. DCC. XCI [1791] - xv 180 pages
Cover title: Bell on W. Indian diseases.
Military hygiene
West Indies, British
An Inquiry into the causes which produce, and the means of preventing, diseases among British Officers, soldiers, and others in the West Indies Containing observations on the mode of action of spiritous liquors on the human body; on the use of malt liquor, and on salted provisions; with remarks on the most proper means of preserving them ... - London Printed for J. Murray ... M. DCC. XCI [1791] - xv 180 pages
Cover title: Bell on W. Indian diseases.
Military hygiene
West Indies, British