War against tropical disease, being seven sanitary sermons addressed to all intereseted in tropical hygiene and administration. By Andrew Balfour ...
Balfour, Andrew, 1873-
War against tropical disease, being seven sanitary sermons addressed to all intereseted in tropical hygiene and administration. By Andrew Balfour ... - London Bailliere, Tindall & Cox 1920. - 219 pages illustrations, plates, color map color frontispiece 25 cm
"Published for Wellcome bureau of scientific research, London."
1. Tropics--Diseases and hygiene
2. Sanitation Tropical
3. Entomology, Medical
I. Wellcome bureau of scientific research, London
War against tropical disease, being seven sanitary sermons addressed to all intereseted in tropical hygiene and administration. By Andrew Balfour ... - London Bailliere, Tindall & Cox 1920. - 219 pages illustrations, plates, color map color frontispiece 25 cm
"Published for Wellcome bureau of scientific research, London."
1. Tropics--Diseases and hygiene
2. Sanitation Tropical
3. Entomology, Medical
I. Wellcome bureau of scientific research, London