Seminar on the acquisition of Latin American library materials; 7th Coral Gables, 1962. Working papers.

Seminar on the acquisition of Latin American library materials; 7th Coral Gables, 1962. Working papers. - Coral Gables University of Miami 1962. - 1 v. (various pagings). 27 cm

Contents.-No. 1. Progress report, by M. Daniels - No. 4. Microfilming of archives in Barbados; progress report, by History Department, U.W.I. - No. 5. National exchange centers and the international exchange of publications, by Peter Paulson - No. 6. Current Latin American bibliography; a progress report, by G. Grossman and P.J. de la Garza - No. 7. Cooperative acquisitions of Latin American library materials, by S. Hodgman and S.L. West - No. 8. Acquisition of research material from Central America and their selection, by E.B. Ricketson - No. 11. Four topics concerning books in Guatemala, by G.D. Cordova - No. 12. The booktrade, bibliography, and exchange of publications in Honduras, by E.A. Garcia, J.A. Ponce and E.A. Reina - No. 14. The booktrade, bibliography and exchange of publications in Panama by C.D. de Herrera and others.

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