The adventures of Bredda Anancy and Bredda Tukuma
Rhule, Elkanah
The adventures of Bredda Anancy and Bredda Tukuma Elkanah Rhule, edited by Iris Lewis, Avalda Baghaloo; art director : Richard Paisley; graphic design : Godfrey Smith; illustrated by Clive McDonald - [St. Catherine (Lot 1038, St. Theresa Rd., Green Acres, Spanish Town, St. Catherine)] E. Rhule 2010 - 30 pages illustrations (chiefly color) 29 cm
9789769530614 9769530611
Jamaican fiction
Anansi (Legendary character)--Juvenile stories
The adventures of Bredda Anancy and Bredda Tukuma Elkanah Rhule, edited by Iris Lewis, Avalda Baghaloo; art director : Richard Paisley; graphic design : Godfrey Smith; illustrated by Clive McDonald - [St. Catherine (Lot 1038, St. Theresa Rd., Green Acres, Spanish Town, St. Catherine)] E. Rhule 2010 - 30 pages illustrations (chiefly color) 29 cm
9789769530614 9769530611
Jamaican fiction
Anansi (Legendary character)--Juvenile stories