"We need the dedication and support of all Jamaicans at home and abroad ... let's keep the flag of Jamaica flying proudly and high"
Patterson, P. J. (Percival James)
"We need the dedication and support of all Jamaicans at home and abroad ... let's keep the flag of Jamaica flying proudly and high" address to overseas Jamaicans by Hon. P.J. Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica - Kingston Jamaica Information Service 58A Half Way Tree Rd., Kgn. 10 1992 - 8 pages 21 cm
Cover title
Speeches, addresses, etc.--Jamaica
Return migration--Jamaica
Jamaica--Immigration and emigration
Pam 323.65 Ja Pat
"We need the dedication and support of all Jamaicans at home and abroad ... let's keep the flag of Jamaica flying proudly and high" address to overseas Jamaicans by Hon. P.J. Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica - Kingston Jamaica Information Service 58A Half Way Tree Rd., Kgn. 10 1992 - 8 pages 21 cm
Cover title
Speeches, addresses, etc.--Jamaica
Return migration--Jamaica
Jamaica--Immigration and emigration
Pam 323.65 Ja Pat