Caribbean political thought :

Caribbean political thought : theories of the post-colonial state / edited by Aaron Kamugisha. - xxi, 517 pages ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction : Post-colonial failure? / Theories of the post-colonial state -- Contemporary political trends in the English-speaking Caribbean / Afro-Creole nationalism as elite domination : the English-speaking West Indies / The development of Antihaitianismo into a dominant ideology during the Trujillo era / State against nation / Clientelism, power and democracy / The political moment in Jamaica : the dimensions of hegemonic dissolution / The rise of the authoritarian state / Politics, corruption and the police / Expropriation and compensation from a Third World perspective / Against colonialism : political theory and re-colonisation in the Caribbean / Confronting power and politics : a feminist theorizing of gender in Commonwealth Caribbean studies / Caribbean options under global neoliberalism / by Aaron Kamugisha -- Walter Rodney -- Percy Hintzen -- Ernesto Sag as -- Michel-Rolph Trouillot -- Carl Stone -- Brian Meeks -- C.Y. Thomas -- George Danns -- Norman Girvan -- George Belle -- Eudine Barriteau -- Hilbourne Watson Theorizing post-colonial citizenship -- The West Indian middle classes / Not just (any)body can be a citizen : the politics of law, sexuality and postcoloniality in Trinidad and Tobago and the Bahamas / Fictions of citizenship, bodies without sex : the production and effacement of gender in the law / Predation politics and the political impasse in Jamaica / The Asian other in the Caribbean / Smadditizin' / Caribbean regionalism, integration, diaspora -- Are we seeing the birth of a nation in the West Indies? / The agony of the Eight / "A scuffling of Islands" or a nation? / Identity, space and the West Indian Union / Thinking the diaspora : home-thoughts from abroad / Towards Caribbeanness / Political culture -- Cultural domination and political subordination : notes toward a theory of the Caribbean political system / Racism and culture / The political leader considered as a man of culture / Learning to blow the abeng : a critical look at anti-establishment movements of the 1960s and 1970s / Cultural identity versus political identity in the French West Indies / Politics and culture / Re-engineering blackspace / The Pope must have been drunk, the King of Castile a madman : culture as actuality, and the Caribbean rethinking modernity / Afterword: Contours of political thought in the post-independence Caribbean / C.L.R. James -- M. Jacqui Alexander -- Tracy Robinson -- Obika Gray -- Patricia Mohammed -- Charles Mills -- Frantz Fanon -- Arthur Lewis -- Patsy Lewis -- Havelock R.H. Ross-Brewster -- Stuart Hall -- Edouard Glissant -- A.W. Singham and N.L. Singham -- Frantz Fanon -- Eric Williams -- Rupert Lewis -- Jacky Dahomay -- George Lamming -- Erna Brodber -- Sylvia Wynter -- Paget Henry.

9766376190 9789766376192


016166964 Uk

Political science--History--Caribbean Area--Sources.
Political culture--Caribbean Area.
Postcolonialism--Caribbean Area.
Politics and government
Political culture.
Political science.
Politisches Denken

Caribbean Area--Politics and government.
Caribbean Area.


JA84.C34 / C38 2013


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