The doctor in spite of himself ... Adapted by Osborne Ashby.
Moli ere, 1622-1673.
The doctor in spite of himself ... Adapted by Osborne Ashby. - Port-of-Spain : Extra-Mural Dept., University of the West Indies, 1966. - 38 pages ; 21 cm. - Caribbean plays. One-act play. no. 7 .
002520931 Uk
Pam822 WI Ash
The doctor in spite of himself ... Adapted by Osborne Ashby. - Port-of-Spain : Extra-Mural Dept., University of the West Indies, 1966. - 38 pages ; 21 cm. - Caribbean plays. One-act play. no. 7 .
002520931 Uk
Pam822 WI Ash